Nerve Pain & Neuropathy

Nerve Pain & Neuropathy

Peculiar pains and bizarre sensory symptoms are often the result of Neuropathy and Nerve Dysfunction...
What Is Neuropathy?
‘Neuropathy’ is caused by damaged and diseased nerves. It causes severe pain and often impairs strength, sensation and movement. People with Neuropathy frequently complain of:

  • Numbness and Tingling, Burning pains, Prickling sensations
  • Sharp, shooting, electric-like pains that often strike without warning
  • Muscle cramps, Muscle twitching, Muscle weakness and Restless legs
  • Extremely cold/hot hands and feet, Hypersensitivity to touch
  • Wobbly legs, Poor balance and Poor coordination
The sensory symptoms primarily affect the hands and feet where sensory loss can make simple things like holding a pen or fork difficult, or impair your ability to sense uneven surfaces while walking – leading to potential falls and further injury. Symptoms are usually worse at night, resulting in disturbed sleep, and loss of  energy, strength and vitality.

Causes of Neuropathy:

Neuropathy can be caused by damage to the nerves due to diabetes, spinal injury or trauma, vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, exposure to toxic metals and chemicals, alcohol abuse, chemotherapy and prescription medications. Other causes include chronic liver or kidney disease, chronic inflammation, infections like shingles and Lyme disease, and genetic conditions like Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. When there is no known cause, the problem is described as ‘idiopathic neuropathy’.

But, although these causes of neuropathy vary considerably, we’ve identified some key physiological problems that are common to many of them such as poor circulation and inadequate oxygenation, nerve impingement, cellular toxicity, and disturbed electrical activity in nerves. In our experience, addressing these problems can make a big difference.

Our Unique Approach:
Using advanced therapies, nutrition and innovative medical technologies, our system releases trapped nerves, rehabilitates and strengthens damaged nerves, enhances cellular detoxification, re-establishes normal electrical activity in the nerves, and also improves blood supply and oxygenation to bring about the internal changes necessary to help your nerves repair and heal naturally. It is a pain-free, proven approach that is natural, safe and non-invasive so you don’t have to worry about any dangerous side effects.

This unique approach is designed to enhance your body’s natural healing processes and restore normal nerve function so you can finally start getting some relief.
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